Monitoring your Wix Website

Wix is a web development company that provides clients with the tools needed to create a website. Other web development software companies include WordPress and Drupal. Wix can go as far as producing online stores, a similar service to Shopify. This website creator can be used for restaurant or hotel websites where customers can book their reservations on the website itself. Wix also offers additional services such as a logo maker for any newcomers to the business world who may wish to promote their new business using Wix. Clients can choose from 500+ customizable themes to present the front end of their website as they would like. 

WIX Logo | Symbol, History, PNG (3840*2160)

Why should Wix be monitored?

A Wix website can still suffer from the same issues which affect all other websites. These issues include SSL Certificates expiring without the website owner noticing, website not handling excessive traffic to the website or other problems in the backend of the website such as database failures and backup failures. These issues all point to the same problem: website downtime. Website downtime is very damaging to the website and even worse, to the company owning the website. Downtime leads to financial losses due to deteriorating client trust leading to perhaps other competitors gaining an advantage. The financial losses can force the company into bankruptcy if the issue is not dealt with in time. With Netumo, the company can be assured that the website is in safe hands and any downtime will be noted and reported to the website administrator or whoever is in charge. 

What is Netumo?

Netumo is an uptime monitoring platform that will ensure that for anytime 24/7, downtime noticed will be reported via a notification using one of the many notification integrations. Thanks to Netumo’s synthetic monitoring, an IT administrator does not have to face the impossible task of constantly monitoring the website in case of any issues. As a result, downtime will be dealt with immediately saving the company from dissatisfied clients. In addition to uptime monitoring, Netumo also offers features such as SSL Certificate checking which ensures that the client is kept up to date to prevent the certificate from expiring without the client realizing it. Reports generated by Netumo are very useful to the website owners to check information regarding the uptime of the website together with information such as response times. This information can help the web developers to analyze and identify areas where the website can be improved, or whether the traffic is becoming too much for the website. To enjoy all the features Netumo offers, all that the client has to do is create a new Netumo free account. Next, he/she should create a new monitor for the Wix website which then enables the client to be able to generate reports and get notified on the monitor created. 

To sum up

Wix enables the client to create a website for multiple business purposes. Monitoring is vital because of the reasons discussed previously. There is no better option than Netumo to monitor this Wix website. Netumo offers very useful features, at a very affordable price, which help the client in understanding the condition of the website. Downtime always has to be tackled to minimise its negative effect on the business. With Netumo, you can rest assured that no downtime will be unattended. 

Do you wish to monitor your website? Using Netumo, monitoring is made easy. Just create an account for free on to benefit from the rewards of the free plan. 

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